Thursday, January 31, 2008

Aircraft Maintenance Engineers

The ideal candidates will be qualified in the following aircraft type :B737-800/900 (NG) LicensePositions available in perth bldg 101 Australia

Please submit your application with CV to
Fax : 021-55913175

only qualified candidates will be contacted

Lowongan : Bank Bukopin

PT. BANK Bukopin Tbk, merupakan salah satu Bank Swasta Nasional. Bank Bukopin telah melayani masyarakat selama lebih dari tiga dasawarsa. Dengan kondisi keuangan yang sehat, Struktur neraca yang semakin kokoh & dengan menerapkan prinsip kehati-hatian serta pengendalian risiko yang lebih sempurna, kami memantapkan diri dalam melangkah mewujudkan sumbangsih yang nyata guna membangun masa depan. Untuk mendukung hal tersebut saat ini kami membutuhkan calon karyawan sebagai :


Persyaratan :
• Pendidikan minimal S1 dengan IPK min 2,60 (skala 4)
• Laki-laki/perempuan.• Memiliki kemampuan mendesain iklan, lebih di sukai yang berpengalaman di bidang design iklan.
• Mau bekerja keras, kreatif dan inovatif.

Tugas dan Tanggung jawab :

1. Bertanggungjawab atas seluruh pekerjaan design yang meliputi :
-Design marketing collateral Sponsorship event.
-Design marketing collateral pameran.

2. Bertanggungjawab atas pekerjaan design kegiatan promo berskala besar, yang meliputi :
-Resizing atas materi design utama dari promo tersebut.
-Melakukan retouch/penyesuaian atas materi dari agency sesuai dengan kebutuhan dari perusahaan.

3. Bertanggujawab penuh terhadap monitoring pelaksanan produksi, pembuatan dan pemasangan iklan, marketing collateral serta aktivitas marketing communication yang menjadi tangguingjawabnya.

4. Bertanggungjawab penuh atas manajemen materi-materi iklan dan final artwork yang telah menjadi hak Bank Bukopin, termasuk diantaranya melayani permintaan iklan di Cabang-cabang.

Bagi anda yang berminat dan memenuhi kualifikasi yang kami butuhkan, silahkan kirim lamaran lengkap beserta CV dan dokumen pendukung sebelum tanggal 16 Februari 2008 ke :

Bagian Assesmen
PT. Bank Bukopin, Tbk
JL. MT Haryono Kav 50-51 Pancoran Jakarta Selatan

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Crew Manager, Main Crew

UK - Heathrow
London - Heathrow

Job Description
Closing date: 15th February, 2008
Main Crew Managers, Heathrow

New people management opportunities leading cabin crew in IFS-In Flight Services.

Enjoy a challenge in a customer driven environment and have a ‘can do’ attitude that brings out the best in people? This could be the opportunity for you. If you believe that high standards of customer service are critical to the long-term success of British Airways, we would like to hear from you.

All applicants will be asked to submit their CV and answer the Application questions:

1) Why are you applying for this role and what skills, knowledge and experience can you bring? (Max 250 words)
2) What do you see as the main external challenges facing BA in the next two years? (Max 250 words)
3) Please describe a difficult decision you have had to make which has impacted on others? Please include what you had to take into consideration, the outcome and how you communicated your decision. (250 words max)
Job Purpose
To lead, motivate and drive the performance of 200 Main Crew through effective performance management processes to deliver against all relevant departmental objectives.
Job Dimensions
Direct Reports : 200 Main Crew
Responsibilities Principal Accountabilities
Accountable for the overall performance of a team of main crew (200) through effective application of corporate/IFS policies and procedures and relevant legislation in day to day business operation.
Proactively apply the principles of good people management to ensure crew are managed and supported in a fair and consistent way.
Proactively lead and motivate team members to achieve departmental business objectives and metrics of performance: e.g. punctuality, absenteeism, customer satisfaction as measured by GPM, injury management, safety compliance etc.
Understand the key drivers of Cabin Crew performance.
To build and maintain excellent relationships with crew team.
Identify and analyse trends in Main Crew performance including managing main crew punctuality. Track, as appropriate, your team’s compliance with the consistent delivery of the in-flight service experience.
Hold performance reviews with Main Crew to discuss individual performance in order to optimise effectiveness and drive continuous improvement.
Ensure poor performance is dealt with effectively and in a timely manner.
Construct with each team member individual development plans for remedial action as required in accordance with company policy and procedures.
Manage the follow up of these individual development plans within agreed time scales.
Actively champion service recognition programmes (compliments/complaints/ long service/retirements etc.)
Participate in recruitment and selection of Main Crew when required Implement relevant initiatives from the IFS plan for change Work with Fleet, Cabin Crew Managers, Cabin Crew and Service
Partners to contribute to overall IFS business objectives.
Act on information that affects Cabin Crew service delivery and/or productivity to resolve areas of deficiencies.
Effectively contribute to departmental projects that focus on continuous improvement and support processes.
Own disciplinary/grievance cases, work with PI Unit to implement, progress and manage cases in a timely manner and in accordance with relevant company policy and procedures to ensure optimum outcome for the business and appropriate outcome for the individual. In accordance with policy and principles, deliver performance for your teams against specific targets including a reduction in overall absenteeism, numbers of lost days, no shows and lateness.
Liaise with appropriate Service Partners as required for advice and support to achieve timely return to work or other alternative options as appropriate.
Identify and review individual trends in attendance ensuring appropriate level of duty of care is maintained and action taken.
Conduct ARI meetings within an agreed timescale ensuring compliance with department operating processes.
Ensure understanding and compliance with relevant legislation and EUR-Ops in Aviation Security, Health and Safety and BA policies. Conduct briefings in accordance with CAA standards.
Ensure follow up of crew safety issues and operational performance. Leads ER dialogue on team performance issues with TU’s and works closely with and seeks advice from WW/EF IFS Managers/HR and ER Managers to manage other employee relations issues arising with his/her area of responsibility.
Develop and maintain relationships with local Trade Union representatives
Participate in effective communication processes within area of responsibility ensuring appropriate and timely communication of critical business information, customer feedback and upward feedback from crew.
Contribute to structured communication programmes in the UK and overseas
Act as the representative of the IFS Leadership Team to develop a greater business understanding amongst primarily Main Crew as well as Pursers and CSDs as required.
Role model highest standards of conduct and behaviour Front and lead crew engagement initiatives.
The Individual
Skills (practised capability/behaviour)
Organised with good attention to detail
Able to plan, prioritise and manage a heavy workload
Able to demonstrate an objective and impartial approach Confident “can do” attitude with emotional resilience and self motivation
Excellent team worker with ability to work effectively with colleagues and service partners
Able to work with ambiguity and change
Excellent listening and questioning skills
Excellent written and spoken communication skills
Able to build effective relationships
Able to motivate and inspire others
Essential Qualifications (Academic/vocational)
Educated to A level standard or equivalent or proven experience in large people management areas
Experience (On the job)
Proven ability to coach and develop people, confident in managing poor performance
Ability to build strong effective relationships
Able to make decisions, balancing the need of the business with the need of the individual
Able to make difficult messages with confidence
Able to make decisions balancing the need of the business with the need of the individual
Able to track and interpret performance data
Able to handle sensitive people issues with confidentiality

Apply online

Lowongan :

Perusahaan saya sedang mencari JUNIOR OFFICER yang akan ditraining untukmenangani berbagai proyek asesmen HRD.


a.. Pria/Wanita, penampilan profesional
b.. Minimal S1 dari jurusan Psikologi
c.. Minimal pengalaman kerja 1 th
d.. Usia 25 - 30 tahun
e.. Lancar berbahasa Inggris (lisan dan tulisan)
f.. Bersedia ditugaskan ke luar kota (tentatif)
g.. Kompeten menggunakan Aplikasi Microsoft (Word, Excel, Power Point)
h.. Komunikatif, mampu bekerja sama dalam tim, memiliki standar kerja yangtinggi

Deskripsi Pekerjaan:
a.. Administrasi dan Filling
b.. Analisa & Membuat Laporan Asesmen
c.. Berperan sebagai Junior Consultant atas hasil asesmen
d.. Presentasi ke klien mendampingi Sales Consultant

Silakan email CV anda (dengan foto terlampir) ke
atau sebelum tanggal 15 Februari 2008

Best Regards,
T. 021. 572 3352
F. 021.572 3857 021.572 3364

Job Opportunity :

Here I attached the Job Vacancy For Young, Smart, andProfessional Candidate to fulfill the any variousposition from Level Staff until Level General Managerand in various location such in Jakarta, Batam,Pekanbaru, and Jambi.
Plz don't send your application letter and cv to thisemail but send them all to the email that state below.
So, Thanks for all.
Hope moderator can show this email to every itsmember.
Thanks for all. GBU



1. Corporate Secretary (Code : BTM-CORSEC)- S1 Hukum, IPK „d 3.00- Pengalaman di bidang Corporate Secretary min. 3tahun- Usia maksimal 30 tahun- Lokasi kerja di Batam=====

2. Accounting Officer (Code : BTM-ACCOFF)- S1 Akuntansi, IPK „d 3.00- Pengalaman di bidang yang sama min. 3 tahun- Usia maksimal 27 tahun- Lokasi kerja di Batam=====

3. Marketing & Sales General Manager (Code : MARSALGM)- S1, IPK „d 2.75- Pengalaman di bidang Marketing & Sales min. 5 tahun- Usia maksimal 35 tahun- Lokasi kerja di Batam
4. Marketing Manager (Code : MARMAN)- S1, IPK „d 2.75- Pengalaman di bidang Marketing min. 3 tahun- Usia maksimal 30 tahun- Lokasi kerja di Batam5. Sales Manager (BTM-SALMAN)- S1, IPK „d 2.75- Pengalaman di bidang Sales min. 3 tahun- Usia maksimal 30 tahun- Lokasi kerja di Batam
6. Promotion Manager (Code : BTM-PROMAN)- S1, IPK „d 2.75- Pengalaman di bidang Promotion min. 3 tahun- Usia maksimal 30 tahun- Lokasi kerja di Batam
7. Customer Relation Manager (Code : BTM-CUSRELMAN)- S1, IPK „d 2.75- Pengalaman di bidang Costumer Relation min. 3 tahun- Usia maksimal 30 tahun- Lokasi kerja di Batam=====

8. Landscapping Manager (Code : BTM-LANMAN)- S1 Arsitektur Landscape, IPK „d 3.00- Pengalaman di bidang Landscape min. 3 tahun- Usia maksimal 30 tahun- Lokasi kerja di Batam
9. Mechanical & Electrical Manager (Code :BTM-MECELEMAN)- S1 Jaringan Listrik, IPK „d 3.00- Pengalaman di bidang Mechanical & Electrical min. 3tahun- Usia maksimal 30 tahun- Lokasi kerja di Batam
10. Project Officer (Code : BTM-PROOFF)- S1 Sipil / Arsitektur, IPK „d 3.00- Usia maksimal 27 tahun- Lokasi kerja di Batam=====

11. Estate Management General Manager (Code :BTM-ESTMANGM)- S1, IPK „d 3.00- Pengalaman di bidang Estate Management min. 5 tahun- Usia maksimal 35 tahun- Lokasi kerja di Batam
12. Building Maintance Manager (Code : BTM-BUIMAIMAN)- S1, IPK „d 3.00- Pengalaman di bidang Building Maintance min. 3 tahun- Usia maksimal 30 tahun- Lokasi kerja di Batam=====

13. Legal Manager (Code : BTM-LEGMAN)- S2 Magister Kenotariatan, IPK „d 3.00- Pengalaman di Kantor Notaris min. 3 tahun- Usia maksimal 30 tahun- Lokasi kerja di Batam
14. Legal Officer (Code : BTM-LEGOFF)- S1 Hukum, IPK „d 3.00- Pengalaman di Kantor Notaris min. 2 tahun- Usia maksimal 27 tahun- Lokasi kerja di Batam=====

15. Financial Control Assistant (Code : FINCONASS)- S1 Akuntansi, IPK „d 3.00- Pengalaman di bidang Financial Control min. 3 tahun- Usia maksimal 27 tahun- Lokasi kerja di Batam=====
Bagi yang memenuhi persyaratan di atas, Lamaran dan CVlengkap dapat dikirim :
Paling lambat :hari Sabtu, tanggal 2 Februari 2008
Via email ke
Subjek Email :Kode Posisi _ Nama _ IPK _ Nama Unversitas
NB :1. Mohon yang tidak memenuhi persyaratan untuk tidakmengirimkan lamarannya.2. Jangan lupa mencantumkan Kode Posisi pada subjekemail anda.3. Lamaran bersifat tertutup dan rahasia.4. Bagi yang tidak memenuhi syarat dan ketentuan, makalamaran tidak akan diproses lebih lanjut.


16. Pimpinan Proyek (Code : PKB-PIMPRO)- S1 Sipil / Arsitektur / Marketing, IPK „d 3.00- Memiliki jiwa kewirausahaan (bisnis)- Mengerti dan menguasai bidang Marketing & Finance- Pengalaman di dunia Property / Developer min. 3tahun- Usia maksimal 35 tahun- Lokasi kerja di Pekanbaru=====
Bagi yang memenuhi persyaratan di atas, Lamaran dan CVlengkap dapat dikirim :
Paling lambat :hari Sabtu, tanggal 2 Februari 2008
Via email ke
Subjek Email :Kode Posisi _ Nama _ IPK _ Nama Unversitas
=====NB :1. Mohon yang tidak memenuhi persyaratan untuk tidakmengirimkan lamarannya.2. Jangan lupa mencantumkan Kode Posisi pada subjekemail anda.3. Lamaran bersifat tertutup dan rahasia.4. Bagi yang tidak memenuhi syarat dan ketentuan, makalamaran tidak akan diproses lebih lanjut.


17. Project Manager (Code : JMB-PROMAN)- S1 Sipil / Arsitektur, IPK „d 3.00- Pengalaman di bidang Project min. 3 tahun- Usia maksimal 30 tahun- Lokasi kerja di Jambi
18. Structure Officer (Code : JMB-STROFF)- S1 Sipil, IPK „d 3.00- Pengalaman di bidang Struktur min. 3 tahun- Usia maksimal 27 tahun- Lokasi kerja di Jambi
19. Architecture Finishing Officer (Code :JMB-ARCFINOFF)- S1 Arsitektur, IPK „d 3.00- Pengalaman di bidang Arsitektur Finishing min. 3tahun- Usia maksimal 27 tahun- Lokasi kerja di Jambi
20. Mechanical & Electrical Officer (Code :JMB-MECELEOFF)- S1 Jaringan Listrik, IPK „d 3.00- Pengalaman di bidang Mechanical & Electrical min. 3tahun- Usia maksimal 27 tahun- Lokasi kerja di Jambi=====

Bagi yang memenuhi persyaratan di atas, Lamaran dan CVlengkap dapat dikirim :
Paling lambat :hari Sabtu, tanggal 2 Februari 2008
Via email ke
Subjek Email :Kode Posisi _ Nama _ IPK _ Nama Unversitas
NB :5. Mohon yang tidak memenuhi persyaratan untuk tidakmengirimkan lamarannya.6. Jangan lupa mencantumkan Kode Posisi pada subjekemail anda.7. Lamaran bersifat tertutup dan rahasia.8. Bagi yang tidak memenuhi syarat dan ketentuan, makalamaran tidak akan diproses lebih lanjut.



21. Internal Audit Manager (Code : JKT-INTAUDMAN)- S1 Akuntansi, IPK „d 3.00- Pengalaman di Kantor Akuntan Publik Big Four min. 5tahun- Usia maksimal 30 tahun- Bersedia melakukan perjalanan dinas
22. Internal Audit Supervisor (Code : JKT-INTAUDSUP)- S1 Akuntansi, IPK „d 3.00- Pengalaman di Kantor Akuntan Publik Big Four min. 3tahun- Usia maksimal 27 tahun- Bersedia melakukan perjalanan dinas
23. Internal Audit Staff (Code : JKT-INTAUDSTA)- S1 Akuntansi, IPK „d 3.00- Usia maksimal 25 tahun- Bersedia melakukan perjalanan dinas=====

24. Accounting & Finance Officer (Code : JKT-ACFINOFF)- S1 Accounting, IPK „d 3.00- Pengalaman di bidang Accounting & Finance min. 3tahun- Usia maksimal 27 tahun- Lokasi kerja di Jakarta=====

25. Legal Officer (Code : JKT-LEGOFF)- S1 Hukum, IPK „d 3.00- Pengalaman di Notaris min. 2 tahun- Usia maksimal 27 tahun- Lokasi kerja di Jakarta=====
Bagi yang memenuhi persyaratan di atas, Lamaran dan CVlengkap dapat dikirim :
Paling lambat :hari Sabtu, tanggal 2 Februari 2008
Via email ke
Subjek Email :Kode Posisi _ Nama _ IPK _ Nama Unversitas

NB :1. Mohon yang tidak memenuhi persyaratan untuk tidakmengirimkan lamarannya.2. Jangan lupa mencantumkan Kode Posisi pada subjekemail anda.3. Lamaran bersifat tertutup dan rahasia.4. Bagi yang tidak memenuhi syarat dan ketentuan, makalamaran tidak akan diproses lebih lanjut.

Lowongan :

Jobs DB membuka kesempatan bagi para lulusan baru yang mau ikutanprogram magang di Jobs DB selama 3 bulan.

Syarat-syaratnya :
- Minimum lulusan D3 atau sederajat
- Mampu mengoperasikan komputer terutama program-program di bawahWindows
- Familiar dengan media internet
- Bersedia mengikuti program training kepribadian " A TOUCH OF PERSONALPOWER" bersama Neuro Associative Conditioning System (Wajib)

Untuk info lebih lanjut, pls call Sisca di 021-30071826 atau kirim email ke




Our Client is one of the cruise ship's companies in US of America
with The Ultimate Las Vegas Casino Experience....Texas Style!

Enjoy with the unique entertainment experience that includes high-energy
casino action, fine dining and live entertainment while cruise the Gulf
of Mexico in the spacious luxury of our grand ocean liner.

They have Casino with its 500 + sizzling-hot slots and more than 24
table games, which includes Blackjack, Caribbean Stud, Craps, Let It
Ride, Three Card Poker, Roulette and Live Poker Tables springs to life
for your gaming pleasures.

Join us for the most exciting and complete entertainment experience on
the Texas Coast!

Currently we are looking some crews to fill positions in below

1. Roast Cook

2. First Cook

3. Fish cook

4. Galley Utility

5. Dining Room Waiters

6. Busboy

7. Bar Waitresses – Female Only


1. Age minimum 22 years and maximum 30 years

2. Must be have experiences in the cruise ship, except galley utility
be have experienced in the hotel industry

3. Experiences 1 or 3 years old in the cruise ship and hotel industry

4. Good English and Good Performance & friendly

5. Hard Working and have the responsibility for the job.

6. Good Motivation, Good Healthy

7. Dynamic and low profile for the team work.

We require the following safety certificates:

1. STCW-95

2. Crowd management

3. Crisis management

4. Seamen Book and seamen passport

Only short listed candidates will be interviewed by Hotel Company on

Your resume will be proceeding by us if you bring own your CV completely
along with a recent photograph to our office address in below:


Hotel Recruitment & Placement of INDONESIA


JAKARTA TIMUR 13450 – Indonesia
Phone: (021) 8656085 – Fax: (021) 8650401


Lowongan : Universal Music Publishing Group

Temporary Music
Publishing Assistant / Administrator
Reporting to Music
Publishing Manager

Note: This position is to fulfil vacant position due to maternity leave (approx
3 months)


- Male / Female

- Have passion and knowledge in music

- D3 or S1 graduate from a reputable university in any major with
minimum GPA 2,75 in scale 4.00

- Fresh graduate are welcome to apply

- Having analytical skills and computer literate is a must

- Good interpersonal skills and good command of English verbally and written.

- Proactive with own initiative and professional

- Age maximum 25 years old

Job description:

- Assist in administering
agreement with local songwriters

- Song identification of records
company¢s releases and RBT throughout Indonesia

- Song identification of sales
report submitted by content providers companies throughout Indonesia

- Issue invoice and collect
royalties for both local and international works of song usage

- Assist in correspondence
and all administrative works

- Assist in dealing with
local collection societies (registration, amendment, etc)

- Assist in monitoring any
song usage in any media

- Assist in song
exploitations in TV/Radio commercial & films

- Assist in checking royalties
calculation resulted by system report to the supporting documents

- Assist in distributing royalties
to local songwriters

Send your application along with your CV at the latest by February 3, 2008 to:

PT Suara Publisindo

Universal Music Publishing Group

Mid Plaza 2, 19th Floor

Jl. Jend Sudirman Kav 10-11
Jakarta 10220

Or e-mail to:

Lowongan : BlueScope Steel Indonesia

We are one of the world's leading producers of metallic coated and
painted high quality steel. The group was originated in Australia and
has steel manufacturing plants in New Zealand, USA, Asia and downstream
product operations in 18 countries.

Our site in Indonesia was established in 1993, building a very
successful business by leveraging supports of our stakeholders, quality
products and most importantly our people.

As part of our business strategy, currently we are looking for bright,
high achiever individuals, capable of providing excellent performance
with self-integrity and good teamwork to fulfill the vacancies of:


Requirements :

* S1 degree in Electrical (power) Engineer with 3 years
* Well understand in technical knowledge (PLC, AC&DC motor,
Instrument, Switch Gear 20 KV, 380 VAC, Motor Control)
* Knowledge In electrical safety aspect and requirement
* Electrical design concept understanding
* Able to work with minimum supervision, self motivated
* Good communication skills with excellent spoken and written
* Willing to stay at Cilegon area

Send your complete application and resume within 1 week to:

Human Resources PT BlueScope Steel Indonesia

Jl. Asia Raya Kav.02 Kawasan Industri KIEC Cilegon 42443

Or email to:

Lowongan : Kalbe Farma, Tbk

PT. Kalbe Farma Tbk is the leading pharmaceutical company in Indonesia are
looking for responsible individuals who the capabilities and
qualifications to become :


Job Description:
Prepare PO, invoice & tax consolidation
Payment BS through Visual Basic Apllication
Making journal

Job Spesification:
25 years of age
Degree of Economic from well known university
1 year experience in Accounting
Good English in active and passive

Should you meet all the above qualifications, please send your application
no later than February 6, 2008, give us detailed CV with a recent
photograph and other relevant information to:

HR Corporate
PT. Kalbe Farma, Tbk
Gedung KALBE
Jl. Letjen Suprapto Kav. IV
Jakarta Pusat 10510

Email :
Only short-listed candidates will be notified.

Lowongan : Trubus

Dibutuhkan :

Reporter Andal


  • Diutamakan sarjana pertanian
  • Lancar berbahasa Inggris baik lisan dan tulisan
  • Usia Maksimal 27 tahun
  • IPK minimal 2,7
  • Mandiri
  • Menyukai kegiatan di alam bebas
Lamaran dilengkapi pas foto (3x4) 2 lembar, CV, foto kopi ijazah dan penunjang lain selengkap mungkin.

Kirimkan surat lamaran anda ke :
Personalia Majalah Trubus
Wisma Hijau
Jl. Raya Bogor Km. 30 Mekarsari,
Depok 16952

Paling lambat 8 Februari 2008 (Cap Pos)

atau kirim via email ke :

Hanya lamaran lengkap yang akan diproses

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Lowongan : Yamaha Motor Indonesia

Yamaha membutuhkan anda !!

Mari bergabung bersama "Yamaha The Winning Team" untuk menjadi semakin di depan untuk mengisi posisi-posisi:

1.Marketing Area Development (MKT)

2.After Sales Service-Tech. Support & Warranty Claim (SRV)

3.Promotion (Prom)

4.Spare Parts Product Planning (Part-Plan)

5.HRD Officer (HRD)

6.IT Staff (IT)

7.Administrasi (ADM)

8.Call Center (CC)

Untuk mengajukan lamaran, download form lamaran, isi dengan lengkap dan kirimkan bersama surat lamaran, scan ijazah terakhir dan transkrip nilai beserta pasfoto terbaru (jpg) ke email rekrutment Yamaha, paling lambat 10 setelah iklan ini:

atau ke alamat:

Dept. HRD Yamaha Motor Indonesia

Jl. Let. Jend. Soeprapto No. 402

Cempaka Putih Timur

Jakarta 10510

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Onshore Process Shift Supervisor : Qatar Shell GTL Limited

Qatar Shell GTL Limited
Onshore Process Shift Supervisor (x20)Job ID: E11507

Location: Al-Dawhah (Doha) , Qatar

The Shell Group has pioneered the gas industry for more than 30 years and we’re now one of the largest equity producers of natural gas. Our Gas & Power business already stretches across 35 countries and, as the world searches for greener forms of energy, we expect demand for Gas to Liquid (GTL) products the cleanest hydrocarbons –will quickly develop over future decades.
Mid 2007, Qatar Petroleum and Royal Dutch Shell announced the launch of the world-scale integrated Pearl Gas to Liquids (GTL) project in Qatar.
The Pearl GTL project includes developing the offshore natural gas resources in Qatar's North Field, processing the gas and converting methane into clean, high value liquid hydrocarbons products through the construction of the world's largest integrated GTL complex at Ras Laffan Industrial City.
We are currently looking for Shift Supervisors to coordinate, lead and supervise our teams of operators to start up, make products and achieve operations excellence for the process sections of the GTL plant. Successful applicants will ensure that field operations are performed safely and optimally within design, and enforce HSE requirements for work in the plant.

As one of our Shift Supervisors, you’ll be responsible for supervising and leading a shift team, coordinating and managing both internal and inter-discipline work interfaces, and executing activities cost effectively.
In the pre-operational phase, we’ll require you to:
  • Participate in the development of training programmes as well as building up your own operator team and ensuring their competence for the tasks in your assigned area
  • Develop and validate operational and emergency response procedures for your assigned area
  • Contribute to ensuring the operability and maintainability (e.g. control and monitoring systems, alarm management, safe isolation, draining and cleaning) of equipment by participating in HAZOP and model reviews
  • Validate the Commissioning and start up SU plan for your assigned area
  • Lead the involvement of operating team in the pre-commissioning and commissioning activities
In the operational phase you’ll:
  • Instil a culture of high HSE awareness in your team i.e. ensure Permit to work compliance and appropriate job safety analysis
  • Coordinate with discipline supervisors and ensure that all equipment meets the required safety specifications and standards
  • Execute the operation plan and ensure manpower availability in carrying out tasks according to the plan
  • Execute Operational Task Management (OTM), including the development of operator tasks lists, operator rounds and shift handover reporting
  • Validate the day to day maintenance plan and assess the operational resources required for its execution
  • Implement the operating plan and organise the safe execution of operational and maintenance activities in your assigned area
  • Constantly monitor plants operating conditions to ensure the quick resolution of abnormal operational situations. Assess root causes and remedial actions and involve the Shift Manager and Assistant Operations Manager as and when necessary
  • Administer your own shift team, including overtime, leave requests, shift swaps and the vacation schedule as well as monitoring operator training and generating development plans and performance appraisals

Take the lead in emergency response situations, in close cooperation with the shift manager.


With a technical diploma (e.g. a HND or equivalent in chemical engineering or a related subject), you’ll have 10 -15 years’ operational experience in a gas plant, refinery, chemical plant or power generation plant. Previous experience working with contractors during (pre) commissioning and start-up is an advantage.

You’ll have a proven track record as a shift supervisor and senior panel member, backed up by working experience in one or more of the following main processes:
· GTL Plants;
· offshore production facilities or gas treatment plant
· refinery or petrochemical plants, or
· petrochemical/chemical plants.
It’s essential that you have good knowledge of computerised systems for data collection, analysis and reporting. Familiarity and experience with International Standards and/or Shell Design & Engineering Practices, and other Shell methodologies such as Flawless Start-Up, HSE case, HAZOP, IPF, RCM and RBI would be an advantage. You have had an experience leading a team of operators in a multicultural environment and communicate effectively with all levels of the organisation. Fluency in written and spoken English is also essential.

Application Deadline: Thursday, January 31, 2008

Number of Vacancies: 20

Please note: We occasionally amend or withdraw Shell jobs and reserve the right to do so at any time, including prior to the advertised closing date.

Before applying, you are advised to read our data protection policy. This policy describes the processing that may be associated with your personal data and informs you that your personal data may be transferred to Royal Dutch/Shell Group companies around the world.

The Shell Group and its approved recruitment consultants will never ask you for a fee to process or consider your application for a career with Shell. Anyone who demands such a fee is not an authorised Shell representative and you are strongly advised to refuse any such demand.

'Shell is an Equal Opportunity Employer'.

Senior Program Specialist : AusAID Canberra

AusAID in Indonesia employs Program Managers, Program Officers, finance and administration staff, and occasionally consultants on short term projects.

All vacancies are advertised and will also be posted on this page. Consequently unsolicited job applications are not encouraged.

AusAID is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate in employment on the grounds of gender, race, religion or disability.

Current Vacancies

Vacancies in AusAID Canberra

Staff in AusAID Canberra are responsible for the delivery of the Government's official aid program and work in many different areas such as managing an aid project for a specific country, or developing aid policy for the Agency. For information on work opportunities at the Canberra office, please visit [external link]

Vacancy : Jaya Konstruksi MP

PT Jaya Konstruksi MP, a well known Multinational Construction Company in Indonesia, qualified by ISO 9001:2000, OHSAS 18001:1999 invite professionals and experienced candidates to fulfill the position of:

Jan 31, 2008 Project Manager (PM) 4 Indonesia Upload
Jan 31, 2008 Site Manager (SM) 5 Indonesia Upload
Jan 31, 2008 Site Engineer (SE) 10 Indonesia Upload
Jan 31, 2008 Quantity Surveyor (QS) 6 Indonesia Upload
Jan 31, 2008 SURVEYOR (SVY) 2 INDONESIA Upload
Jan 31, 2008 Mechanical Electrical Staff (MES) 2 Indonesia Upload
Jan 31, 2008 Mechanical Electrical Supervisor (MESPV) 3 Indonesia Upload
Jan 31, 2008 Accounting Staff 2 Indonesia Upload


Please submit your comprehensive resume (with relevant university certification and other supporting documents), work experience, reference letter with a recent photograph and write the position code at the top left side of the envelope for a proper handling, to:

By post: Head of HRD Department
PT Jaya Konstruksi MP
JL. Bintaro Raya - SOUTH JAKARTA, 12330

Only qualified candidates who meet the above qualifications will be process.

Vacancy : Lippo Karawaci

Artwork Specialist Outdoor (P - ASO)
Responsible for the design and supervision of artworks for thematic garden/ landscape. The position is expected to demonstrate high and continuous creativity on design ideas as well as art production and implementation on site. Also responsible to develop and implement policy and administrative procedure and to ensure compliance with national standard and regulations or international codes.

• Bachelor’s degree in Product Design/ Arts/ Architecture
• At least 5 years experience in designing and supervising of Theme Park in large scale i.e.; Township Thematic Park
• Working knowledge in presenting idea by models and digital media is a must

Opening Date :
26/01/2008 - 29/02/2008

Responsible for AutoCAD and GIS. The position will draw master sketches to scale showing relation of proposed installations to existing facilities and exact specification and dimension, assemble documentation packages and produce drawing set which are then checked by engineers/architects. Explain drawing to construction team and provide adjustments as necessary prepare and interpret specifications, calculating weights, and volume and stress factors.

• Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering.
• At least 3 years experience in drawing image size of mixed-use and urban developments.
• Competent in AutoCAD, AutoCAD Land Desktop, Arc GIS and Map Info. Capable in Revit would be an advantage.

Opening Date :
14/12/2007 - 31/01/2008

Project Architect (P - RA)
Responsible for ensuring that the design intent is carried out and constructed properly within the expected time and quality. Must work closely with the other technical and development team in the design implementation and project execution. This responsibility will include activities from the earliest stages of a building project, including site selection, through to completion.

• Bachelor’s degree in Architecture
• At least 5 years of hands-on experience in a relevant field
• Able to work effectively under pressure and meet tight deadlines
• Competent in AutoCAD and Photoshop. Capable in 3D Sketch-up would be an advantage.

Opening Date :
26/01/2008 - 29/02/2008

Senior Interior Design Coordinator (P - IDC)
Responsible for the planning, design, supervision and coordination of interior design work in the hospitality, healthcare and commercial development industries, and must work closely with other technical team, consultants and contractors to ensure that all works comply fully with the expected quality

• Bachelor’s degree in Architecture/ Interior Design
• At least 5 years experience in the similar position in 5-Stars Hotel
• Able to work effectively under pressure and meet tight deadlines
• Competent in AutoCAD, Photoshop, Corel Draw and 3D Sketch-up.

Opening Date :
26/01/2008 - 29/02/2008

Landscape Architect (HLD-LAC)
Responsible for the design implementation and landscape supervision of Lippo’s projects and must work closely with architects, consultants and planner as well as supervise contractor’s work on site to ensure the smooth progress and completion of project within cost, time and the highest quality standard. Will also be responsible for assisting in the design, procurement, contract administration and site supervision on a range of Lippo’s projects.

• Bachelor’s degree in Landscape Architecture.
• At least 3 years practice experience in design or 5 years experience in designing thematic park 250-500 ha.

Opening Date :
26/01/2008 - 28/02/2008

Landscape Project Director (P - LPD)
Responsible for conceptualizing the overall landscape design for Lippo’s projects, budgeting and scheduling and must ensure that costs and quality meet the Company’s target and expectation. Directs and manages a team of landscape designers/supervisors and is actively involved in developing landscape-maintenance strategy as well as establish best practices appropriate to environment and project self-sustainability and neutral urban design. Also work with other Directors to achieve the vision and goals of the company, prepare and present exhibits, reports and plans to management and investors, coordinate project deadlines, staffing and budgets.

• Master’s degree in Landscape Architecture/Urban Design.
• At least 15 years experience in city/township development project, preferably with large reputable organizations.
• Expatriate candidates are welcome to submit application.

Opening Date :
26/01/2008 - 29/02/2008

Landscape Design Coordinator (HLD-LDC)
Responsible for the planning, design, supervision and coordination of landscape requirements. Will work closely with other technical team, consultants and contractors to ensure that all works fully comply with the design and expected quality

• Bachelor ‘s degree in Landscape Architecture
• At least 5 years in relevant experience

Opening Date :
14/12/2007 - 31/01/2008

Quality Control Specialist (HLD-QC)
Responsible for the development of quality control strategies, establishing concepts and guidelines. Supervises contractors’ work ensuring that quality standards are met according to the Company’s expectations as well as ensure that all materials on-site are within the expected quality. Also responsible to organize necessary resources to conduct Quality assurance activities for all projects, analyze quality problems on field construction and co-ordinate/implement corrective/preventive action to contain/eliminate such defectives and provide documentation report to required parties.

• Bachelor’s degree in Engineering, preferably in Architecture
• At least 5 years in relevant experience
• Possess an independent character, must not negotiate with other parties; especially external parties.
• Possess a strong background to international-building quality standard
• Willing to work 24 hours (in shift)
• Competent in AutoCAD and Microsoft Project.

Opening Date :
14/12/2007 - 31/01/2008

Senior Surveyor (P - SVY)
Responsible for preparing and conducting a comprehensive field survey on various types of projects. Also responsible to plan, organize, and direct work of one or more survey parties engaged in surveying earth’s surface to determine precise location and measurement of points, elevations, line, areas, and contours for construction, mapmaking, land division. This role will determine methods and procedures for establishing or reestablishing survey control. Keep accurate notes, records, and sketches to describe and certify work performed. The position will coordinate findings with work of engineering and architectural personnel, clients and others concerned with projects.

• Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering.
• At least 5 years experience in relevant experience.
• Extensive experience in township, reclamation, golf, and other relative fields will be an advantage.

Opening Date :
26/01/2008 - 29/02/2008

Senior Business Development (MI - SBD)
Responsible to prepare feasibility studies for new business. Analyze/conduct research for new product and also competitor product studies. Maintain and update database related to competitor product and pricing. Keep on track all project development and to ensure the development working in line with schedule and quality.

• Master’s degree in Business Management/ Finance.
• At least 3 years experience as Business Development Division Head in property industry

Opening Date :
26/01/2008 - 29/02/2008

Senior Business Development (MI - SBD)
Responsible to prepare feasibility studies for new business. Analyze/conduct research for new product and also competitor product studies. Maintain and update database related to competitor product and pricing. Keep on track all project development and to ensure the development working in line with schedule and quality.

• Master’s degree in Business Management/ Finance.
• At least 3 years experience as Business Development Division Head in property industry.

Opening Date :
26/01/2008 - 29/02/2008

Mechanical Electrical Site Engineer (HLD-MSE)
Responsible for ensuring that the M/E drawing complies with the design and that the project execution of all M/E works is carried out in compliance with the design. Report project progression to Construction Manager and daily operational activity to Head Engineer in Corporate.

• Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical/ Electrical Engineering
• At least 3 years experience as site engineer at a construction company

Opening Date :
14/12/2007 - 31/01/2008

Mechanical Electrical Site Engineer (SH-MSE)
Required for US$ 100 Million Hospital Project in Jakarta.

Reporting to the Construction Manager, the outstanding candidate will be responsible for inspections, testing and commissioning of mechanical, electrical and hydraulic equipment in the international standard oncology and general hospital project, as the client representative. He will undertake bid package management, monitoring and control of the sub-contractors in terms of programme, quality and safety issues; reporting on project M&E works progress to the Construction Manager and consulting design team.

The exceptional candidate for this role must have an appropriate degree qualification; possess institutional/professional membership with at least 10 + years experience in construction with at least 3 years experience in construction supervision of hospital projects.

Candidate should be well versed with international hospital standards (USA, Singapore, Australia) with exposure to international consulting groups.

An exceptional salary package with dynamic project exposure will be negotiated to attract proven performers.

Qualified candidates are invited to write-in with detailed resume, stating position code and a recent passport-sized photograph not later than January 31st, 2008 to:

PO BOX 1701
JKS 12017
Or email to :

Only selected candidates will be contacted.

Opening Date :
13/12/2007 - 31/01/2008

Project Manager-Development & Project Management (HLD-PM)
Responsible for the project management of high-rise building and mixed-use projects. Must ensure that the project meets the company’s target and expectation in time, cost and schedule and manage all tasks related to the project development, management and fit out works. Possess broad knowledge about authorities’ approvals and work with consultants to secure all necessary planning and technical clearances. Liaise with and supervise the work of the other professionals involved in the project and ensure those (company and international) quality standards are adhered to. Maintain records of expenditure, accounting, costing and billing.

• Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering
• At least 5 years experience in management work at developer/ consultant / Construction Company with grade “A” building.
• Knowledge and experience in M/E design/works will be an advantage
• Proven track record and experience in resolving design and site issues with consultants, builders and clients
• Target-oriented and able to set priorities under challenging and demanding circumstances with a sense of urgency

Opening Date :
13/12/2007 - 31/01/2008

Site Manager (HLD-SM)
Responsible for ensuring that the project design intent is carried out professionally and constructed properly within the expected quality and time constraints. Coordinate and ensure that all works in the field related to design structure, mechanical/ electrical and architectural design are accomplished within the set time frame and quality. Regularly review the projects with the Project Manager before and after presenting to the Development Review Committee. Report project progression to construction manager and daily operational activity to project manager.

• Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering
• At least 5 years experience as site manager at a construction company

Opening Date :
13/12/2007 - 31/01/2008

Hospital Construction Manager (P - SCM)
Responsible for the construction management of international standard oncology and general hospital project, as the client representative including overall contractor management and bid package management, monitoring and control of the contractor in terms of program, quality technical and safety issues; monitoring of design management function, client liaison and consultation, reporting on project budget and program to client and consulting design team. Will report to Project Director

• Bachelor’s degree in Construction Engineering/Civil Engineering with appropriate degree qualifications.
• Possess institutional/professional membership with at least 15 + years experience in construction with at least 5 years experience in construction management of hospital projects.

Opening Date :
26/01/2008 - 29/02/2008

Project Manger - Development & Project Management (P - PM)
Responsible for planning, directing and coordinating a wide variety of construction projects, project management of high-rise building and mixed-use projects. Must ensure that the project meets the company’s target and expectation in time, cost and schedule and manage all tasks related to the project development, management and fit out works. Possess broad knowledge about authorities’ approvals and work with consultants to secure all necessary planning and technical clearances. Liaise with and supervise the work of the other professionals involved in the project and ensure those (company and international) quality standards are adhered to. Maintain records of expenditure, accounting, costing and billing.

• Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering.
• At least 5 years experience in management work at developer/ consultant / Construction Company with grade “A” building.
• Knowledge and experience in M/E design/works will be an advantage.
• Proven track record and experience in resolving design and site issues with consultants, builders and clients.
• Target-oriented and able to set priorities under challenging and demanding circumstances with a sense of urgency.

Opening Date :
26/01/2008 - 29/02/2008

Structural Site Engineer (P - SSE)
Responsible for ensuring that the structural drawing and project execution is in compliance with the design. Report project progression to Construction Manager and daily operational activity to Head Engineer in Corporate.

• Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering.
• At least 3 years experience as site engineer at a construction company.

Opening Date :
26/01/2008 - 29/02/2008

Mechanical Electrical Site Engineer (P - MSE)
Responsible for ensuring that the M/E drawing complies with the design and that the project execution of all M/E works is carried out in compliance with the design. Report project progression to Construction Manager and daily operational activity to Head Engineer in Corporate.

• Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical/ Electrical Engineering.
• At least 3 years experience as site engineer at a construction company.

Opening Date :
26/01/2008 - 29/02/2008

Hospital Mechanical Electrical Site Engineer (P - SMSE)
Responsible for inspections, testing and commissioning of mechanical, electrical and hydraulic equipment in the international standard oncology and general hospital project, as the client representative. He will undertake bid package management, monitoring and control of the sub-contractors in terms of program, quality and safety issues; reporting on project M&E works progress to the Construction Manager and consulting design team.

• Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical/Electrical Engineering.
• Possess institutional/professional membership with at least 10 + years experience in construction with at least 3 years experience in construction supervision of hospital projects.

Opening Date :
26/01/2008 - 29/02/2008

Structural Site Engineer (HLD-SSE)
Responsible for ensuring that the structural drawing and project execution is in compliance with the design. Report project progression to Construction Manager and daily operational activity to Head Engineer in Corporate.

• Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering
• At least 3 years experience as site engineer at a construction company

Opening Date :
14/12/2007 - 31/01/2008

Head Engineer (HLD-THE)
Responsible to supervise, coordinate and ensure the successful execution of operational activity in the Township – but not limited to environmental services, water and sanitation, building control and commercial ventures department. Will operate according to company’s standard and also examine tenders and issue permits for work that take place on the township. Also responsible to manage the engineering team in a customer service environment recognizing the importance and well-being of the residents of Lippo Karawaci township.

• Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Electrical/ Engineering
• At least 10 years of successful project senior management experience with reputable international companies in City, Commercial and Private Projects
• Demonstrated excellent communication and organizational skills to meet deadlines
• Demonstrated innovative initiative and ability to work on a number of projects simultaneously
• Demonstrated ability to enforce rules and regulations as per organization Policy

Opening Date :
14/12/2007 - 31/01/2008

Database & Application Services Manager (MI - DAS)
Responsible for developing, implementing, maintaining and integrating enterprise application system. Making work plan, manage project, cost, resource and lead development team. Direct and manage daily operation of department, analyzing business requirement, establish priorities, developing standard and setting deadline. Providing architectural and technical guidance to product development. Meet with department heads, managers, supervisors, vendors, outsourcing and others to solicit corporation and resolve problem. Liaise with System Procedure Department to synchronize system control to policy.

• Bachelor’s degree in Computing Science / IT or related.
• At least 3 year experience in relevant field and managerial position.
• Have experience in System Development (SDLC), software QC, Documentation System, ERP Application and IT Project Management.
• Have good technical knowledge in web, desktop, database development using Dot Net + SQL Server 2005 and Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA).

Opening Date :
26/01/2008 - 29/02/2008

Database & Application Services Department Head (HLD-DAS)
Responsible for designing and developing new or existing system, managing project and development team and lead the development team. Making work plan, project management, cost, budget, outsourcing, etc. Will work together with System procedure to making company procedures and make sure all system running well with minimum downtime. Also responsible to integrate whole property system.

• University Degree in IT or SI with minimum GPA 3.00, master degree preferable
• At least 1 year experience as a project leader, IT Development Manager.
• Have experience in System Development (SDLC), software QC, Documentation System
• Having experience in ERP, project server, SharePoint portal server is a plus point
• Excellent skill in web, desktop and database development using Dot Net + SQL Server 2000 (2005 preferable
• Age not more than 30 year

Opening Date :
14/12/2007 - 31/01/2008

Support & Network Infrastructure Department Head (HLD-SNI)
Responsible for monitoring reliability of network infrastructure and operating systems on multiple platforms including diagnoses and repairs problems. Manages the acquisition, installation and maintenance of the organization's local area networks and wide area networks. Manages LAN/WAN performance and security, establishes and implements policies and procedures for LAN/WAN usage throughout the organization. Make sure all system (network, email, etc) running well with minimum downtime. Lead the support & network team and making work plan, project management, cost, budget, outsourcing, etc.

• University Degree in IT with minimum GPA 3.00, master degree preferable
• At least 1 year experience as infra project leader, IT Infrastructure Manager.
• Have experience in Network Infrastructure & Support
• Excellent skill in Active Directory, Exchange Server, Windows Server, Multiple Domain, VPN, Cisco Switch, IP Phone, Bandwidth management
• Age not more than 30 year

Opening Date :
14/12/2007 - 31/01/2008

Network Infrastructure & Support Mgr (MI - NIS)
Responsible for analyzing, designing, testing, evaluating and integrating overall enterprise architecture network infrastructure configuration, such as local area network (LAN); wide area network (WAN); wireless network, intranet, internet and other IP based communication system. Develop, coordinate, implement the security and the protection policy for information systems to regulate access to data and prevent unauthorized modification, destruction or disclosure of information. Monitor and maintain server platform healthy, performance to provide high availability to all users. Design and deploy backup and disaster recovery strategy. Manage team for daily operational, computer technical support, troubleshooting and maintenance as needed.

• Bachelor’s degree in Computing Science / IT or related.
• At least 5 year experience in relevant field and managerial position.
• Have experience in design, development IT infrastructure architecture, computer security and IT Project Management.
• Excellent skill in Active Directory, Exchange Server, Windows Server, Multiple Domain Management, VPN, Cisco, IP Phone, Bandwidth management and Firewall

Opening Date :
26/01/2008 - 29/02/2008

.Net Programmer (MI - DND)
Responsible to designs, modifies, develops, writes and implements software programming applications. Supports and/or installs software applications/operating systems. Participates in the testing process through test review and analysis, test witnessing and certification of software. Write technical documentations including business logic, application design, and UML documentations.

• Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science / IT or related.
• At least 1 year of .Net programming experience
• Proficiency in VB .Net for both Win forms and ASP.NET is a must
• Familiar with standard concepts, practices, and procedures within Software Development
• Good knowledge on SQL Server database, such as stored procedure, trigger, DML operation, DDL operation

Opening Date :
26/01/2008 - 29/02/2008

.Net Programmer (HLD-DD)
Responsible to designs, modifies, develops, writes and implements software programming applications. Supports and/or installs software applications/operating systems. Participates in the testing process through test review and analysis, test witnessing and certification of software. Write technical documentations including business logic, application design, and UML documentations.

• At least 1 year of .Net experience
• Have experience in develop application using .Net
• Proficiency in VB .Net for both Win forms and ASP.NET is a must
• Familiar with standard concepts, practices, and procedures within Software Development
• Familiar with SQL Server database, such as stored procedure, trigger, DML operation, DDL operation

Opening Date :
14/12/2007 - 31/01/2008

System Procedure Manager (MI - SPM)
Responsible for interpreting, developing and formulating organization policies. Drive the implementation of quality strategy and ensure the quality system, processes and procedures are developed and implemented. Liaise with internal and external parties to gather / disseminate information pertinent to implementation and continues improvement of total quality management.

• Bachelor’s degree in Management / Technique Industry or related.
• At least 5 year experience in related quality or ISO and managerial position.
• Experience in implementing ISO 9000 and internal audit.
• Good knowledge on construction process and quality management system.

Opening Date :
26/01/2008 - 29/02/2008

Web Manager (MI - WM)
Responsible for developing, integrating and maintaining overall web management. Planning and coordinating with all business units for web and internet marketing strategy. Analysis and tracking result of internet marketing activities.

• Bachelor’s degree in Marketing / Communication / IT or related.
• At least 3 year experience in relevant field and managerial position.
• Have experience in web development and internet marketing.
• Excellent knowledge in marketing communication, content management system, web technologies and web applications.

Opening Date :
26/01/2008 - 29/02/2008

Web Design (HLD-WD)
Responsible for designing and developing web interface. Periodically changing the theme of website. Collecting data for website content. Updating website content. Designing interface for email marketing.

• University Degree, preferable from Design Communication Visual (DKV) or IT with design skill, fresh graduates are welcome
• Have experience in web design
• Excellent skill in web design, using : Photoshop, Flash, Dreamweaver, Visual Studio Net (Optional)
• Coding skill is not mandatory but preferable
• Female (preferable) or Male age between 20 – 24 years

Opening Date :
14/12/2007 - 31/01/2008

Marketing General Manager-Residential/Apt/Retail (MI - MSD)
Responsible in preparing long term marketing strategic plan/ roadmap and continue to monitor, control, analyze planned strategy vs. actual results and improvements. It will responsible for marketing positioning, analyzing target market, conducting marketing mix (Product, Pricing, Placing, and Promotion) and analyzing competitiveness. Require involving and understanding design process with architect and have knowledge of some construction/ interior design issues. It also responsible for financial budgeting & forecasting planning, reporting sales progress & strategy progress and advising on solutions/ Improvements.

• Bachelor’s degree Preferably in Marketing with some exposure in Finance.
• At least 8 years experience in a row similar previous job position and duties, with a reputable developer / real estate company and product.
• Chinese Mandarin speaking is a benefit.
• Full Time Commitment and weekend/ holiday and late work required.
• Personal Management Skills: leader skills & ability to take a lead, discipline, advanced planning, responsible, reliable, loyal, motivator and ability to delegate certain issues.

Opening Date :
26/01/2008 - 29/02/2008

Sales & Marketing Director (HLD-MSD)
Responsible to develop and implement sales and marketing plans, to oversee product and service development, to assist in formulation of company policies and procedures as they affect sales, service, pricing and sales promotion, organization and management of sales and marketing staff, budget management, to provide strategic planning and direction that will achieve the company’s sales and marketing objectives.

• Minimum Bachelor’s degree in Marketing/ Architecture, Master’s degree preferred.
• At least 5 years sales & marketing experience in the property industry
• Possess deep knowledge of the property industry, must have a proven track record in property sales & marketing
• Excellent organizational, training and networking skills.

Opening Date :
14/12/2007 - 31/01/2008

Product Manager (HLD-PDM)
Responsible to execute marketing strategy with ultimate objective to achieve /exceed company goals. Execute marketing plan according to its schedule and monitor its effectiveness. Work closely with Center Manager/Town Manager/Building Manager to ensure promotional event in each project run smoothly according to plan. Work closely with all departments to ensure customer orientation. Execute all internal process run according to SOP. Train and motivate sales channel to improve its product knowledge & sales objectives achievement. Prepare sales and competitor analysis report periodically. Keep up-to-date database of unit availability. Work closely with external advertising agency for assigned program execution

• Bachelor ‘s degree in Marketing/Any discipline
• At least 3 years marketing experience in the property industry
• Possess deep knowledge of the property industry, must have a proven track record in property sales & marketing

Opening Date :
14/12/2007 - 31/01/2008

Sales General Manager-Residential/Apt/Retail (MI - SGM)
Responsible to maximizing network contacts (government, corporate, entrepreneurs, socialites, housewife, families, brokers, foreigners and the general public) and converts to customer through convincing and selling, assist in preparing long term sales strategic plan/ roadmap and continuing to monitor, control, analyze planned strategy vs. actual results and making improvements also managed in house sales counter team at marketing office. Work closely, manage and leverage all sales channel, in house and outsourced. Also responsible to assist in financial budgeting and forecasting planning, reporting sales progress, strategy progress, and advice on solution/improvement.

• Bachelor’s degree Preferably in Marketing with some exposure in Finance.
• At least 8 years experience in a row similar previous job position and duties, with a reputable developer / real estate company and product.
• Chinese Mandarin speaking is a benefit.
• Full Time Commitment and weekend/ holiday and late work required.
• Personal Management Skills: leader skills & ability to take a lead, discipline, advanced planning, responsible, reliable, loyal, motivator and ability to delegate certain issues.

Opening Date :
26/01/2008 - 29/02/2008

Construction Manager (HLD-CM)
Responsible for planning, directing and coordinating a wide variety of construction projects, including the building of all types of residential, commercial, industrial structures, roads, bridges, wastewater treatment plants, schools, hotels and hospitals. May oversee an entire project, without having a direct role in the actual construction of a structure; schedule and coordinate all design and construction processes, including the selection, hiring, and oversight of specialty trade contractors. Oversee construction supervisors and workers. Coordinate and supervise the construction process from the conceptual development stage through final construction, to ensure that the project gets done on time and within budget. Will work with site managers, site engineers, site architects, and others that involved in the construction process. To evaluate and help determine appropriate construction delivery systems and the most cost effective plan and schedule for completing the project.

• Bachelor’s degree in Construction Engineering/ Civil Engineering
• At least 5 years experience in management work at developer/ consultant / Construction Company with grade “A” building.
• Knowledge and experience in M/E design/works will be an advantage
• Proven track record and experience in resolving design and site issues with consultants, builders and clients
• Target-oriented and able to set priorities under challenging and demanding circumstances with a sense of urgency

Opening Date :
13/12/2007 - 31/01/2008

Quantity Surveyor (HLD-QS)
Responsible for the preparation of the construction budget for mixed-use developments, conduct tender process as well as clarification and negotiation with contractors. Minimize the cost of the project and enhance value for money, whilst still achieving the required standard and quality. The position will perform risk and value management and cost control. Also responsible for organizing & storing documents through computer/ technology based info.

• Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering/ Mechanical Electrical.
• At least 5 years experience as an estimator at large building contractor.
• Comprehend the price trends of building material in the market.
• Comprehend and familiar with various types of contract and its detail.
• Able to work effectively under pressure and meet tight deadlines
• Competent in CAD and knowledgeable in Win-Est Pro would be an advantage.

Opening Date :
14/12/2007 - 31/01/2008

Senior Quantity Surveyor (P - SQS)
Responsible for the review of construction budget, coordinate the tender process as well as review the contract agreement and control the project budget. The position must ensure that business interests are maintained as required with notification of all matters relating to contract, also appointing the final tender nominee.

• Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering/ Mechanical Electrical.
• At least 5 years experience working as an estimator at building contractor and at least 5 years as Quantity Surveyor at a large reputable developer company.
• Possess an independent character, must not negotiate with other parties; especially external parties.
• Comprehend the price trend of building cost in the market.
• Comprehend and familiar with various types of contract and its detail.
• Able to work effectively under pressure, consistent, set priorities and meet tight deadlines

Opening Date :
26/01/2008 - 29/02/2008

Chief Building Service (M - CBS)
Responsible to provide general direction, manages, organizes, plans and coordinates the work of the Building and Safety division including plan review, building inspection, enforcement, and permit processing; provides highly responsible, professional technical expertise, guidance and support to assure compliance with standards to safeguard public safety and property related to construction, design, quality of material, use, occupancy, location and maintenance of structures and performs other job related work as required.

• Bachelor’s degree in Engineering.
• At least 5 years experience in project high rise building.
• Competent in AutoCAD 2D and 3D.

Opening Date :
26/01/2008 - 29/02/2008

Casual Leasing Manager (M - CLM)
Responsible to increase the value of property through actively pursuing new retailers that add value to the assets’ performance and at the same time constantly reviewing existing retailer performance with recommendation to replace/relocate non performing operators. Preparing of strategic business/leasing plans and budgets, together with assisting in preparation of redevelopment proposals and recommendations to the business manager for review.

• Bachelor’s degree in Marketing/ Business Administration.
• At least 5 years experience in shopping mall or marketing retail.

Opening Date :
26/01/2008 - 29/02/2008

Senior Centre Manager (M - CM)
Senior role with responsibility for the overall effective management of the mall and achievements of company objectives. The position requires a high degree of autonomy and strong team leadership.

• Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration/Finance
• At least 5 years experience with centre management mall experience

Opening Date :
26/01/2008 - 29/02/2008

Finance & Accounting Manager (M - FAM)
Responsible for management of accounts receivable and account payable including department of purchasing, billing and collection and assure appropriate procedures are in place. Perform ongoing SOP reviews and development of internal controls to minimize risk. Also responsible for the preparation, maintenance, and analysis of budget including monthly reporting of performance against budget. Produce financial reports required in timely and accurately manner. Oversee the day to day operations of the accounting department and manage the company’s tax reporting and compliance requirements. Manage tenders and control the outcome of all capital expenditures by entire department within the mall.

• Bachelor’s (S1) degree in Accounting.
• At least 5 years experience in related field, preferably from reputable mall.

Opening Date :
26/01/2008 - 29/02/2008

Graphic Designers (M - GD)
Responsible to interpret the malls creative and strategic advertising and promotional needs and developing a concept to suit its purpose. Thinking creatively to produce new ideas and concepts; using innovation to redefine a design brief within the constraints of cost and time.

• Bachelor’s degree in Graphic Design.
• At least 2 years experience as graphic designer in residential/ high rise building.

Opening Date :
26/01/2008 - 29/02/2008

Senior Marketing Manager - Event & Promotion (M - ENP)
Responsible for the preparation and implementation of the marketing budget and plan to deliver increased sales and traffic at the mall. Also responsible to ensure the creation and forward planning of a strategic annual marketing plan using the analysis of the customer demographics and previous retail mall experience. Also responsible to develop and maintain communication with both retailers and internal staff.

• Bachelor’s degree in any discipline.
• At least 5 years experience in shopping mall or retail.
• Have a strong communication skill.

Opening Date :
26/01/2008 - 29/02/2008

Promotion Officers (M - PO)
Reporting to the Marketing Manager. Core responsibilities include: conduct research and analysis followed by continuous evaluation of campaign strategy by: conducting focus groups; coordinating surveys; researching recent reports and articles; or commissioning market research. Initiating and planning promotion campaigns: defining goals; analyzing problems and opportunities; writing press releases, in-house newsletters, preparing and supervising the production of brochures, developing and maintaining good working relations with the media. Also responsible for organizing special events, such as press conferences, exhibitions, competitions and sponsorship and fostering community relations through events such as open days and through involvement in community initiatives.

• Bachelor’s degree in Communication or any disciplines.
• At least 2 years experience in relevant field of malls or retail.

Opening Date :
26/01/2008 - 29/02/2008

Tenant Relation Officer (M - TRO)
Responsible to receive and processing applications for mall leasing in order to ensure that applicants are provided with required information, maintain effective relations with all tenants in order to ensure tenant’s right and responsibilities awareness. Also responsible to administer and collect rents in order to ensure tenant are paying appropriate rental cost, comply with legislation in order to ensure legal requirement are met, maintain administrative procedures in order to ensure effective and efficient office environment.

• Diploma’s degree in any discipline.
• At least 2 years experience as TRO in reputable malls/ shopping center.

Opening Date :
26/01/2008 - 29/02/2008

Municipal Affairs Head (P - TMA)
Responsible to manage the Municipal Affairs department in TMD Lippo Karawaci; this will involve building and maintaining good relationship with government institutions and assist the residents of Lippo Karawaci with all government issues. Also responsible to lead the customer service teams to provide the highest standard of customer service to the residents through the 24-hour customer service call center as well as disseminate information, literature, and publications as necessary for the residents. Develop new initiatives, developments and services to meet the needs of the residents as well as encourage, develop and assist events such as sports, musical and cultural events to take place in Lippo Karawaci. Responsible to keep the Town Management informed regarding all township issues and act to resolve disputes between tenants, residents and management.

• Bachelor’s degree in Management or related discipline
• At least 10 years of successful senior management experience in customer service roles with reputable international companies in, Commercial and Private Organizations.
• Demonstrated excellent communication and organizational skills to meet deadlines in a demanding environment
• Demonstrated innovative initiative and ability to work on a number of issues simultaneously whilst maintaining the highest standards of customer service.
• Demonstrated ability to build and maintain relationships with government and commercial organizations as well as individuals

Opening Date :
26/01/2008 - 29/02/2008

TMD General Manager (P - TGM)
Primary role is the successful and efficient operation of the Town Management Department (TMD) of Lippo Karawaci. Responsibilities include employment and supervision of all TMD staff, coordinating and supervising contractors, preparing and maintaining budgets for TMD operation. The position will also responsible for preparation of all administration and the successful execution of projects including SOP, schedules deadlines, and any other duties as defined by the Town Manager to ensure the successful conclusion of TMD Projects.

• Bachelor’s degree in Engineering or related technical discipline
• At least 10 years of successful project senior management experience with reputable international companies in City, Commercial and Private Projects
• Demonstrated excellent organizational and communication skills to meet deadlines in a demanding environment
• Demonstrated innovative initiative and ability to work on a number of projects simultaneously and maximizing synergies that exist in large corporations
• Demonstrated ability to build and maintain relationships both inter company and with various government agencies

Opening Date :
26/01/2008 - 29/02/2008

Senior Water Engineer (P - SWE)
Responsible to prepare consultant’s TOR for work related to water and waste management. Coordinate and supervise consultant work quality. Examine consultant’s budget, work of scope and work quality. Also responsible to review, evaluate, advice regarding water treatment system according to international quality standard and land availability. Review, evaluate and advice regarding waste treatment system according to international standard, land availability and effluent standard. Determine material specification based on installation and quality processing. Prepare and review contract draft related to water study and detail engineering. Coordinate with governmental institution regarding water and waste management system.

• Bachelor’s degree in Chemical Engineering/Environmental studies.
• At least 3 years experience in relevant field.

Opening Date :
26/01/2008 - 29/02/2008