Monday, September 30, 2013

How to resolve the error " MMC Cannot Initialize the snap-in" in Kaspersky Anti-Virus

MMC cannot initialize the snap-in
MMC cannot initialize the snap-in
When open the Kaspersky Security Center 9.0 error appears: " MMC Cannot Initialize the snap-in ". To fix this:

  1. Close the application Kaspersky Security Center 9.0
  2. Find the file with the name "CS Admin Kit.msc". The location of the file is in: C: \ Documents and Settings \ Administrator \ Application Data \ Microsoft \ MMC
  3. Delete the file "CS Admin Kit.msc"
  4. Completed

Kaspersky Security Center 9.0 can be opened without any error: " MMC Cannot Initialize the snap-in ".

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Noise at the Toyota Soluna car

Noise ( metal rubbing ) in the Toyota Soluna car . Toyota Soluna car can be noisy because of many things , one of which is the idler pulley bearing noise . This indicates the bearing has been damaged and must be replaced . 
Location of the Idler Pulley
Location of the Idler Pulley

Location of the idler pulley is between AC compressor and crankshaft pulley ( picture above ) . Function is to regulate the tension idler pulley belt AC compressor . Caused ringing sound in the idler pulley bearing is damaged .The first step is loosen the bolts fastening the belt between the crankshaft pulley with the alternator ( picture below ) . Loosen the bolt left ( A ) and under the alternator ( B ) .
After that loosen the idler pulley bolt and tension control .Subsequently remove the idler pulley bolt and remove the idler pulley from his position .
Bearings , Idler Pulley and C - Clip Tool
Bearing, Idler Pulley and C - Clip Tool

Then remove the idler pulley bearing. Use the tool to remove the bearing. Or it could be the usual manual way is by being hit with a hammer, wood and piece socket set.
Idler pulley ready to be installed. Once installed in the Toyota Soluna car the noise disappeared. Toyota Soluna car ready for use again.

Suara dengung Toyota Soluna

Suara berdengung (bunyi nging..nging..) di Toyota Soluna.
Mobil Toyota Soluna berbunyi denging bisa karena banyak hal, salah satunya adalah bunyi idler pulley. 

Letak Idler Pulley
Letak Idler Pulley

Letak idler pulley adalah diantara kompressor AC dan crankshaft pulley (gambar di atas). Fungsi idler pulley adalah mengatur ketegangan sabuk kompressor AC. Bunyi berdenging disebabkan bearing di idler pulley sudah rusak.

Langkah pertama adalah kendorkan baut pengencang sabuk antara crankshaft pulley dengan alternator (gambar bawah). Kendorkan baut sebelah kiri (A) dan bawah alternator (B).


Setelah itu kendorkan baut idler pulley dan pengatur ketegangannya.
Selanjutnya lepaskan baut idler pulley dan lepaskan idler pulley dari kedudukannya. 

Bearing, Idler Pulley dan C-Clip Tool
Bearing, Idler Pulley dan C-Clip Tool

Kemudian lepaskan bearing idler pulley, caranya bisa menggukana alat untuk melepaskan bearing. Jika tidak ada bisa dengan cara diketok. Gunakan alas kayu dan ketok dengan menggunakan kunci sok atau benda lain dengan diameter sesuai kebutuhan.
Idler pulley siap dipasang. Setelah dipasang bunyi berisik di Toyota Soluna hilang. Toyota Soluna siap digunakan kembali.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Error "management plug-in not installed" in Kaspersky Security Center 9.0

Step-by-step when it comes up error "management plug-in not installed" in Kaspersky Security Center 9.0 This error appears because when Kaspersky upgrading to another version. When run the application Kaspersky Security Center 9.0, the error appears "management plug-in not installed". To fix this, please run the following steps: 
  1. Close the application Kaspersky Security Center 9.0  
  2. Find the file named klcfginst.exe  
  3. Open the application Kaspersky Security Center 9.0  
  4. When there is an error "management plug-in not installed", navigate to the file klcfginst.exe 
  5. Allow applications "plug-in" installed to completion