Wednesday, November 16, 2022

System error 0x424 kaspersky

Ketika uninstall netagent Kaspersky muncul error sebagai berikut "system error 0x424 kaspersky the specified service doesn't exist".

Untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut, gunakan tools dari Kaspersky. Tools tersebut untuk uninstall netagent.

 Download file cleaner.exe dari Kaspersky. Kemudian extract file tersebut ke folder, misalkan di folder d:\ dengan nama folder cleaner. Gunakan command prompt, dan jalankan di folder tempat file cleaner.exe berada.

Jalankan perintah di bawah ini:

 If you want to delete the information about the installation of the Network Agent, run the following commands:

“<path to cleaner.exe>\cleaner.exe” /uc {B9518725-0B76-4793-A409-C6794442FB50} “
“<path to cleaner.exe>\cleaner.exe” /pc {GUID value}

where the GUID value depends on the Network Agent interface language. For the list of GUID values, see below.

The information about installation will be deleted.


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