Monday, April 6, 2015

Rev. of the Integrated Water Supply, Sanitation, & Hygiene Promotion Project in Keerom, Papua Indonesia

Review of the Integrated Water Supply, Sanitation, and Hygiene Promotion Project in Keerom, Papua
(Project 08-114-0002-3)

  1. Summary
Review of the Intergrated Water Supply, Snitation and Hygiene Promotion
The period covering the watsan-CBHFA programme/activies starts in 2011 en ends March 2015
Papua, Indonesia :
In Keerom District, Arso Timur Sub-district; Wonoredjo village, Suskun village and Yetti Village
The programme has been implemented by the Indonesian Red Cross (PMI) with the financial and technical support of the Netherlands Red Cross (NLRC).
Purpose of evaluation
The primary purpose of this evaluation is to review the project from its initiation until its finalization in order to learn from the complexities of the project and to use the experience in Keerom for future interventions. The review will be used as a resource for a “lessons learned workshop” for all stakeholders (PMI staff, PMI Chapter/Branch Governance, PMI HQ and NLRC).
Request for quotation
The quotation (in English) should be sent to the Netherlands Red Cross, Ms. Kartika Juwita (email: ). This contact can also be used to request for more information.
The quotation should include:
-       Track record of earlier evaluations and Curriculum Vitae
-       Draft work plan;
-       Budget, including daily professional fee (incl. tax, which is considered the sole responsibility of the Evaluator) and total of days charged, other costs (if needed), such as translation costs.
The deadline for submitting the quotation is: ? April 2015
Quotations will be assessed on price and quality (i.e. proposal, experience evaluator; workplan).
The evaluation is expected to take place in third week of April , and could start by the 20th of April 2015. The final report should be submitted before 30h of April 2015.
2. Background
The Netherlands Red Cross (NLRC) has supported Palang Merah Indonesia (PMI) for the implementation of integration Water, Sanitation with hygiene promotion component projects for many years in Indonesia. Over the last years, the software aspect has become more and more important in the delivery of a coherent approach in this project. The NLRC and PMI realise a holistic approach of software and hardware is desired, placing more emphasis on community organisation- and hygiene promotion aspects.
The PMI Watsan programme in Papua was initiated in 2010 to start in three villages in Keerom district Papua (Wonoredjo, Suskun and Yetty). A proposal was presented in June 2011 with the planning for a two stage of project implementation. As the implementation of the first phase of the project took much longer than projected, the second phase of the project could not be materialized.
The stages of the project: 
The assessment was done in August 2010. The first stage of the implementation project started on 1 May 2011 with the ending scheduled for 31 August 2013. The project was divided into four stages:

·         The first stage being the assessment and proposal writing initiated from May – December 2012
·         The second stage is the preparation  and initiation and takes place from  January 2012 – July  2012. Main activities are;
*       Preparation and negotiation of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to be signed by PMI and NLRC,
*       Staff recruitment to manage the project in Papua
*       Baseline survey
*       Project socialization and
*       M&E as well as reporting tool in place.
·         The third  stage is the Project Delivery that was assumed to take 12 months from from August 2012 – July 2013. In this third stage PMI and community volunteers are recruited and trained on CBHFA:
*       Volunteers carry out hygiene promotion
*       Water and sanitation facilities are built
*       Midterm evaluation is carried out
*       Networking and Acquisition activities are carried out at all levels with stakeholders
·         The fourth phase will be carried out simultaneously with the activities of the third stage, in the last two months of the third stage ( July and August 2013)
*       Project evaluation
*       Sustainability planning
*       Project preparation for the  second phase Project closure reporting
The first strategy of the program is “Community development”, and includes activities that improve the health conditions in the village partners, by providing basic health services. This includes the introduction of trained Village Health Volunteer’s who provide first aid and disseminate on health and hygiene measures. Finally, in three Villages clean water systems and latrines constructed through participatory approach (PHAST). The combination of providing clean water, sanitation and health facilities and awareness raising of the community, will improve the health situation in this area: it is expected that common and water borne diseases will reduce in those villages where all project activities implemented. 
The second strategy is “PMI Capacity Building”. Being the project-holder and thus the main coordinator and implementer gives PMI the chance to profit from the project in terms of experience and strengthening of branches, in order to reduce the distance between the branches and the beneficiaries. This project is first development project implemented in Papua, previously they were implemented activities based on requests.
3. Scope
This review is mainly aiming at appraising the challanges faced when implementing the project and impact it had on the communities and on PMI. The main focus of the review is to understand what happened within the project period in terms of initiatives, decision making, implementation activities, internal and external guidance/support, communication, capacity building etc. This should be related to the final outcomes and its effect on the communities. The review may also assess the expectations of the different stakeholders and whether these could be met. The review will be a major source for a lessons learned workshop. The workshop will involve all stake holders and will aim at improve the capacity of the Chapter and Branch to attract and implement comparable projects.  
Considering the fact that to a large extent baseline data are not available, much emphasis will be on methodology of the evaluation.
The review should take into account the external and internal environment, as well as the political situation, culture, goverment and other stake holders intervention in the selected communities. 
The review will take place in the communities of Keerom, Jayapura and Jakarta.
4. Key questions
Key questions include, but are not limited to:
  • Was the intervention appropriate according to the perception (expressed needs/demand) of the target population and/or according to national policies: how were power relations, cultural perceptions and relevant customs of beneficiaries assessed, and taken into account?
  • At the time of project implementation, were the approaches and technologies selected most appropriate for the specific context?           

·         How did the project develop over time. On a time line; when and where were decisions made, initiatives taken, events organised, field visits, etc. which had impact on the progress of the implementation of the project.
·         What are the main factors which influenced positively or negatively the progress of the project.  
Outcomes and Impact
·         To which extent were the overall objectives achieved?
·         Did the project have any unforeseen harmful impact?
·         What can be assumed to be the major factors that contributed to the impact on the health and care for the beneficiaries?
·         How sustainable are the interventions?    

PMI Organizational Capacity and Development
·         Did NLRC, PMI NHQ Management and the PMI Chapter/Branch level in Papua have a common understanding of the project design and implementation? In particular also on the capacity building.
·         How did PMI HQ and Branches assess the required capacity and ensured the establish the capacity before the start of the project? How was capacity building included in the project? Was this sufficient?
  • Has there been a degree of replication within or beyond the project area by the National Society?
  • What can be done to strengthen the process in order to ensure it is sustained and duplicated beyond the project area?
5. Methodology
The methodology will at least include the following elements:
-       The evaluator will use observations and study reports and other relevant documents to collect data. All available written documentation will be provided.
-       Both quantitative and qualitative information is to be used. However, emphasis will be on qualitative data and analysis.
-       Main method for data gathering will be interviews. To ensure openness to unexpected results or side effects and deal with cultural sensitivities, the evaluator needs to be from Papua or hire his own indigenous translator when holding interviews in Papua.
-       Main stakeholder’s perspectives, should be taken into account. The main stakeholders can be categorized as beneficiaries, PMI volunteers, PMI Branch staff, PMI Branch Governors, PMI Chapter staff, PMI Chapter Governors, NHQ staff, NLRC staff and Indonesia Government Institutions. 
The review requires evaluators to familiarise themselves thoroughly with characteristics of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies movement; it’s principles, limitations and associated dilemmas and limitations.
6. Outputs
Collection of essential data required for the evaluation and a schedule for interviews and field visit.
Before 23 April 2015
A draft synthesis report, covering findings, conclusions, not exceeding 25 pages (excluding annexes and a summary of 1 page). This report includes conclusions and recommendations.
The report will include detailed analysis of the situation, findings, conclusions and recommendations
Before 30 April  2015
A final synthesis report, covering findings, conclusions, not exceeding 25 pages (excluding annexes and a summary of 1 page). This report includes conclusions and recommendations.
Participate in a lessons learned workshop
Before 8 May 2015
7. Responsibilities and lines of communication
Implement review
Submit report to
PMI NHQ, health division and planning bureau
NRLC Jakarta office
The evaluator will be briefed at PMI NHQ and NLRC programme office related to Purpose of evaluation; expected results; context; reporting & finance

8. Profile of the evaluator(s)
·         Strong methodological background
·         Background in social and antropology studies
·         Experience in conducting impact evaluations
·         Demonstrated fluency in English and ability to write concise and comprehensive reports
·         Cultural sensitivity and excellent interpersonal skills
·         Computer literate
·         Experience in watsan and CBHFA preferred.
·         Experience in conducting reasearch and working in eastern part of Indonesia and Papua specifically preferred
·         Must have good knowledge of the Red Cross fundamental principles, Code of Conduct and various ways of collaboration between the different segments of the RCRC movement.
8. Responsibilities and Tasks:
·         The consultant will be responsible to develop an evaluation proposal that depicts the research methodology, detailed work plan and proposed budget including consultancy fee, logistical arrangements and support to the consulting services (translator)
·         The consultant will be responsible to deliver consulting services in accordance with agreed evaluation proposal and at the end produce a comprehensive and high quality final review report
·         The consultant will, in cooperation with the provider of the assignment, make arrangement for the field visits and shall cover the cost all logistic required to support field activities
·         The consultant is expected to share a draft report prior to developing the final report. The final evaluation report shall be submitted on time as per agreed schedule (Bilingual in English and Bahasa Indonesia)
10. Planning
2 days
Desk Review
3 days
Field visit Papua
6 days
Interviews Jakarta
5 days
Report writing
3 days
1 day
Final report
1 day
The assignment is has a maximum of 21 working days and should be finalized in 4 weeks time .
11. Reporting
The draft report will be assessed by the assignment provider before delivering the final report. The comments will be taken up (or commented on) in the report.  The report will be in English and Bahasa Indonesia and contain a brief introduction and description of the methodology, constraints in implementation, a comprehensive analysis section and a section on findings and recommendations.
12.   Ownership of data
All data collected during the evaluation will be handed over to and become property of the NLRC. Evaluators must therefore treat findings in a confidential manner and require advance written approval from the NLRC for sharing any information with third parties, in whichever form. 

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