Thursday, November 28, 2013

Inaugural Nancy Millis Medal

The Australian Academy of Science is proud to announce that nominations are now open for the Inaugural Nancy Millis Medal, which recognises outstanding research and exceptional leadership by early- to mid-career Australian women who have established independent research in the natural sciences.

A Fellow of the Academy, the late Professor Millis introduced fermentation technologies to Australia, created the first applied microbiology course taught at an Australian university, and co-wrote the standard text Biochemical Engineering. Professor Millis also worked tirelessly to establish links between universities and industry.

The award is restricted to candidates who are normally a resident in Australia and for research conducted mainly in Australia.

Nomination details and guidelines can be found here -

Deadline for nominations is 10 February 2014.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Belanja handphone Samsung Galaxy seharga 10 ribu rupiah dengan BCAklikpay

Duit sepuluh ribu rupiah bisa beli barang apa? Mungkin itu yang ada dibenak anda. Saat ini Bank BCA sedang mengadakan promo, dengan menjual barang-barang diskon menjadi 10.000 rupiah saja di BCAklikpay.
Barang-barang yang dijual BCAklikpay seperti: Handphone, Earphone, Flashdisk, USB Car Charger, Microwave, Powerbank, Rice Cooker, Voucher dan lain-lain.
Nama Merchant
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12 - 14
November 2013
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Voucher nonton Blitzmegaplex *)
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Voucher Paket Raffel’s**)

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Segera belanja barang incaran anda hanya dengan harga 10 ribu rupiah. Kesempatan ini sangat terbatas.
Selamat berbelanja dengan BCAklikpay.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Flagship postgraduate scholarships

The Flagship Collaboration Fund (FCF) newsletter brings you some stories in areas the FCF is currently funding.

Flagship postgraduate scholarships
Open for applications until 15 November 2013

The Flagships offer full and top-up Flagship Postgraduate Scholarships to high quality students who are enrolled in a PhD at an Australian university, and who will be working on a project which is directly relevant to a Flagship.

Applications for Postgraduate Scholarships are now open until 15 November 2013.  For further information please visit the webpage.

Flagship Projects

Dr Anne O'Brien from Exeter University in the UK recently presented her findings from a FCF Project, sponsored by MDU on Establishing the criteria for successful FCF partnerships: A comparative analysis of collaboration clusters within a multi-institutional partnership framework.

This project has been the first comprehensive comparative analysis of the Flagship Clusters in CSIRO and provides insights into the nature of successful collaborative relationships in this program. The work is founded on the social processes around leadership and partnerships and also investigated governance and institutional arrangements.  The findings will provide useful insights for those involved in collaborative research programs.   Watch the Video

Flagship Workshop
Marine biosecurity on the agenda

Our Biosecurity Flagship and the Integrated Marine Observing System (IMOS) recently held a joint workshop in Hobart to discuss the risks posed to Australia's ocean and coastal resources from invasive marine pests and diseases. More than fifty experts, in marine environmental research, biosecurity policy and research and from various industry fields, attended the workshop that covered a range of topics including, risk identification, prevention, surveillance for early detection, and prompt response.

The workshop explored the potential for new technologies to provide more rapid, cost effective surveillance of high priority pests, asking whether advanced sensors, sensor networks and autonomous platforms, together with the rapidly evolving field of 'eco-genomics' can provide the enhanced surveillance outcomes needed for more effective marine biosecurity.

Tim Moltmann, IMOS Director, welcomed the interest from CSIRO to broaden its engagement in marine biosecurity. 'It's really good to see the consideration CSIRO is giving marine biosecurity because too often, it is out of sight, out of mind,' Tim said.

The workshop achieved its key purpose of clarifying the scale and scope of issues associated with marine biosecurity for Australia and a report is in the final stages of being developed.


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Dr Yoshihisa Shirayama Lecture

Dr Yoshihisa Shirayama Lecture
On Friday 22 November 2013 Dr Yoshihisa Shirayama, Executive Director of the Japan Agency
for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC), will deliver a public lecture titled Toward a
Better Understanding of the Ocean and the Earth.
This lecture is hosted by the Embassy of Japan, Canberra and examines findings from a recent
series of surveys conducted by JAMSTEC. These surveys were initiated in response to the 2011
Tōhoku Earthquake off Japan’s eastern coastline and investigated influences on marine
ecosystems. These surveys form the basis of a 10-year project monitoring marine ecosystems
in the Tōhoku region.
The opportunity for an engaging discussion will follow Dr Shirayama’s lecture.
The lecture will be held between 4.00–5:30pm in the Japan Theatre at Questacon, King Edward
Terrace, Canberra. If you would like to secure a seat at this lecture please RSVP by Monday 18
November 2013 to
Dr Shirayama is one of Japan’s leading marine science researchers and is a highly-specialised
marine biologist, especially in taxonomy and the ecology of deep-sea meiobenthos.
As a prominent member of Japan’s science community, Dr Shirayama has held positions with
numerous domestic and international scientific societies. These have included:
 Executive Director of the Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology
 Director of the Field Science Education and Research
Center, Kyoto University;
 Director and Professor of the Seto Marine Biological
Laboratory, Kyoto University;
 Coastal Ocean Environment Assessment Committee to
Japan’s Ministry of the Environment (MOE);
 Japanese Society for Systematic Zoology;
 Japanese Association of Benthology;
 Society of Nematologists;
 Oceanographic Society of Japan; and
 International Association of Meiobenthologists (IAM),
where he served as Chairperson of the Executive
Committee from 1999 to 2001.
Dr Shirayama has also made contributions to many
international science initiatives. These include the C-GOOS Steering Committee of the UNESCO,
the Scientific Steering Committee of the Census of Marine Life (CoML), and the
Intergovernmental Platform of Biodiversity & Ecosystem Services (IPBES).
Dr Shirayama received his Doctor of Science from the University of Tokyo in 1982. He has
published over 80 papers, reviews, and other articles in both English and Japanese.